#9604 Why Don’t You Think Catholicism Makes Sense? - Karlo Broussard

Karlo Broussard is here to help navigate aspects of Catholicism that can be more challenging to understand and accept.
Questions Covered:

12:23 – One thing that troubles me is when the hierarchy gets political. Is this where the Church belongs? Why do they take political positions? 
20:44 – Why is the Catholic Church built on Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium? 
32:31- I don’t understand Catholicism because there is the Father in heaven, but the Holy Spirit was the one who overshadowed Mary. It seems to me like the Holy Spirit is the Father. How can I better understand this? 
40:56 – I don’t understand papal infallibility.  
48:15 – I don’t understand why the Catholic Church doesn’t have female Catholic priests.  

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