#9591 Overcoming Obstacles to Catholicism - Karlo Broussard

Do Catholics believe that Adam and Eve are in heaven now? Also, when can they leave purgatory if they’re there? 
Questions Covered:

03:42 – Do Catholics believe that Adam and Eve are in heaven now? Also, when can they leave purgatory if they’re there? 
13:25 – How do you defend that Peter is the head of the Church and that there is apostolic succession? 
31:49 – Why do you not believe that the Creation story could be literal? 
46:05 – What is the difference between original sin and the inclination to sin? Does this mean that Baptism isn’t effective since original sin is removed but the inclination to sin remains? 
52:00 – How is reverencing Mary different that neopagan goddess worship? 

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