#9511 The Why’s of Catholic Belief - Karlo Broussard
Why do Catholics believe and practice the faith in the way that they do?
Questions Covered:
02:07 – Why do Catholics pray to Mary? Why do they worship the Pope? And why do you have to tell your sins to a priest?
11:10 – How does one fast? Why do we fast?
19:27 – Where do the titles for priests, bishops, cardinals, and popes come from and why do we use them? (Father, Your excellency, his holiness, etc.)
28:30 – What gives Catholic priests the right to turn the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ?
35:21 – How can Catholics believe that Mary is all holy and without sin when the Old Testament shows that people can sin by mistake?
35:21 – How can Catholics believe that Mary is all holy and without sin when the Old Testament shows that people can sin by mistake?
43:40 – If I go through a divorce, would I still be able to receive Communion or get remarried?
49:55 – Why do Catholics use icons and holy relics?