#9507 Tips for Defending the Faith - Trent Horn

Cy Kellett and apologist, Trent Horn, discuss a variety of questions submitted via email and social media. If you have a question you’d like to submit for the next internet open forum, please email it to radio@catholic.com.  
Questions Covered:

03:23 – I’m a Catholic in Qatar and have many Muslim friends. We often get into friendly debates and one thing that comes up sometimes is that Jesus never said he was God. How would you respond? 
07:04 – Could you please help give some background or insight on the tradition of praying for Mary’s intercession as a newly married couple at the end of a wedding ceremony Mass? 
11:04 – I have a question about holy days of obligation. I think in Galatians Paul says why we still observe ‘holy days’? Why do different countries have different holy days? 
16:21 – I have grown up with mass on Sunday but I get challenged by those that say nature is their church or like that. Can you give me some thoughts and verses to support gathering on Sunday? 
19:10 – How can you explain to an atheist that non-Catholics cannot do meritorious deeds in order to achieve eternal life? 
24:22 – Do you recommend studying formal logic? Can you recommend any resources? How did you learn to apply logic in your discussions and debates so effectively? 
32:00 – What would you do if someone who firmly believes in evolution theory and says facts are facts and Religion and Faith (especially the Catholic faith) are silly? What should I say to them?    
34:53 – I was talking to a J.W. about the Catholic Church and what Jesus said in Matthew 16:18 “will build my church”… in which he responded, the church only means people, which means everybody, not you Catholics. How do you respond to that? 
41:08 – If God’s Word is objective, then how are we allowed to interpret the Bible subjectively?
44:16 – How would you recommend defending the faith to those who also “believe in the same faith,” such as parents or siblings not following the Church’s stance on contraception? 

Book Trent to speak at your parish or next event. 
Want more from Trent Horn? 

Made This Way: How to Prepare Kids to Face Today’s Tough Moral Issues 
Why We’re Catholic: Our Reasons for Faith, Hope, And Love 
Persuasive Pro-Life: How to Talk About Our Culture’s Toughest Issue 
Answering Atheism: How to Make the Case for God with Logic and Charity 

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