#9497 The Peace of Christ - Fr. Paul Check

In times of uncertainty and confusion, Fr. Paul talks about clinging to the Peace of Christ.
Questions Covered:

16:46 – What do you suggest for those of us who do not have Mass or Churches to go to? What can we do in our family life to bring the peace of Christ into our homes? 
22:17 – Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace, but he also says he does not come to bring peace, but the sword. How can we reconcile these two things in our world today? 
24:51 – What are our obligations now that Mass is suspended? 
36:30 – For myself and those who struggle with depression, should I be seeking spiritual direction or a therapist? Is the sick feeling that I sometimes get during my depressed periods a spiritual attack? 
40:27 – In the history of the Church, has the Mass and the Eucharist ever been withheld from the people? 
45:23 – If I follow the 10 Commandments and pray the Rosary every day, am I living in the peace of Christ? If I am a Catholic in my heart but I was baptized in another Church, would you hear my confession or give me the Eucharist? I attend Mass but am not Catholic. I want the peace of Christ. 
49:42 – Where can I look for a spiritual director? 

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