#9485 Open Forum for Non-Catholics - Tim Staples

Non-Catholics pose their questions about the Catholic Church.
Questions Covered:

02:30 – Why do Catholics believe that Mary is the Queen of Heaven? 
12:44 – Do Catholics believe in the double procession of the Holy Spirit? 
19:41 – During WWII, when people were killed, were they martyrs? 
21:20 – I am a non-religious person. How is religious worship a good thing to do as a means of having a relationship? Why is worship virtuous? 
32:25 – How do Catholics understand Noah’s flood?  
35:52 – Can you explain the perpetual virginity of Mary? 
45:50 – If Christ’s death on the cross was enough for our salvation, why do we need penance or purgatory? 
52:41 – Why do you think Protestantism isn’t the true faith? 

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