#9453 Open Forum - Mark Brumley

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 
Questions Covered:

07:45 – I attended a healing Mass and was anointed with oil. Does that mean that my sins were forgiven? I wasn’t in a state of grace, but I felt forgiven, so I received the Eucharist. 
15:00 – Is Pope Benedict stepping down from the papacy the same as it would be for Jesus to get off the Cross before dying? 
19:07 – Are my prayers effective if I pray for a non-believing person?  
29:32 – What does the Church teach about women deacons? 
42:38 – I am not Catholic but want to convert to become Catholic. I want to know now if my marriage will be valid. Can you help me? 
46:15 – My orthodox friend was trying to convince me that priests should be married using 1 Timothy 3:2. How can I respond? 

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