#9422 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

04:03 – How can I reply to the charge that the passage in John 10, “My sheep hear my voice…no one shall snatch them from my hand,” proves “Once saved, always saved?” 
07:15 – When Jesus responds to the question “who is my neighbor” with the parable of the Good Samaritan, he seems to be saying that only one person is our neighbor; yet the Catechism says the whole world is our neighbor. How do I reconcile these? 
15:21 – The Council of Trent seems to change a teaching from the Council of Constance. How and why could it do that? 
20:17 – If a Pope were to commit formal heresy, would he cease to be Pope? 
24:39 – What are your thoughts on the Divine Mercy Chaplet? Do any of the private revelations seem a bit far-fetched? 
33:32 – Can I attend my Bible study if I’m not in a state of grace? 
35:40 I saw a YouTube video that said “Pope Francis declares the devil to be God.” 
44:55 – What is the Church’s stance on Islam? 
48:23 – Numbers 5 seems to sanction an abortive procedure for Israel. So why can’t we have our own separate sanctions on abortion in America? 

Resources mentioned:
Teaching with Authority by Jimmy Akin

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