#9400 Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation? - Tim Staples

How do we answer those who say that faith saves and baptism is merely symbolic or merely a public manifestation of an inner reality?
Questions Covered:

17:28 – What is the real difference between a baptized and non-baptized person? 
22:55 – If I baptize my son Catholic and someday, he chooses to leave the Church, what will happen to him? Should we wait to baptize him until it is his choice? 
34:31 – How can a Baptist baptism be valid if they don’t believe a baptism is regenerative? 
37:22 – How can an infant repent and be baptized?  
45:23 – Is there any way to baptize a baby spiritually if the parents are not baptizing them? 
51:49 – Does a convert have to get rid of the “once saved, always saved” belief when they are baptized Catholic? 

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