#9394 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered:

06:11 – Is it true that Mary remained a virgin? In the gospel of Matthew, it sounds like she had relations with Joseph after Jesus was born. 
16:55 – I got married in the Presbyterian church but was raised Catholic. Am I in mortal sin because I am no longer Catholic? 
23:14 – I have trouble with the God of the Bible. Why would God make the universe so large and time so vast?  
40:58 – How do you know if God is speaking to you or if it is just your own thoughts? How can you discern when the Holy Spirit is speaking? 
46:11 – Why don’t Catholics believe that the new Jerusalem of the Bible is a physical place? What do they believe about this? 
51:22 – Did the Magi visiting Christ as a baby or the other spectacular events of his childhood affect his ministry as an adult? We don’t hear any reference of these stories when he is an adult. 

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