#9367 The Liturgy and the Bible - Scott Hahn
Is there evidence in history and Scripture for the liturgy? Scott Hahn tells all.
Questions Covered:
17:08 – The Catholic Church is the new Israel. Is this because the Mosaic covenant was temporary?
22:59 – If we believe that Christ is truly present on the altar in Mass, then how do we understand how is with our Protestant brothers and sisters?
33:56 – As the father of a 13-year-old, how can I explain the true divinity and reality of the Eucharist so that she can understand and believe in the True Presence?
39:30 – Can you talk more about the fourth cup?
44:16 – My nephew asks how God could just choose one group of people in choosing the Israelites. He also doesn’t believe that Abraham exists. How can I talk to him about these issues?
49:59 – How can Catholics believe that grace overrides nature in the transubstantiation of the Eucharist?