#9365 Kids’ Show - Tim Staples
Catholic Answers staff brings their children into the studio to ask Tim Staples questions for the second annual Christmas Kids’ Show.
Questions Covered:
02:53 – Is purgatory in time and space?
08:57 – If Mary said no to the angel Gabriel, what would have happened?
14:30 – How can angels have wings?
19:02 – How did the devil become evil if there was no evil?
25:55 – How can I become a better son to my parents?
34:25 – How do I become a saint?
40:12 – How did Noah live till he was 600 years old?
43:30 – If God didn’t need us, why did he create?
46:30 – If Adam and Eve hadn’t committed original sin, would we live forever and never die?
48:27 – Did the Blessed Virgin Mary suffer birth pains when she had baby Jesus?
50:48 – Why does God let people be abused?