#9363 Open Forum - Jimmy Akin
Questions Covered:
06:39 – Can you explain the phrase “God from God, light from light” in the Creed?
15:47 – Can you explain to me the perpetual virginity of Mary?
22:20 – What is the purpose of doing penance after confession?
29:40 – As a newly religious person, how can I get closer to God?
34:18 – Is it true that some of the stars and other aspects are painted onto the Tilma of Our Lady of Guadalupe?
37:05 – When our beloved ones die, do they go to heaven, hell, purgatory, or do they just sleep “in the hope of rising again”?
44:45 – How do Catholics explain why they celebrate the Mass in a more solemn manner?
51:34 – If you go to confession and forget a sin, do you have to go back to confession? How often do I need to go to confession?
Resources Mentioned:
Theology for Beginners by Frank Sheed