Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions covered

09:19 – Why doesn’t the New Testament refer to priests with the Greek word hiereus?
18:06 – Why are so many people fascinated by exorcisms, especially in horror movies?
18:06 – It seems like there are so many things you have to do and rules to follow in Catholicism.
41:01 – if everything happens according to god’s will/plan, which is what it says in the bible, then people have no freewill.
46:49 – Why do Catholics revere relics?
49:30 – In Luke, the word kecharitomene is rendered “full of grace” and I always thought Luke made up that word. Someone told me the same word in the masculine is used in Sirach and it’s translated “gracious.” Why is it translated differently?

Questions Covered:

01:36 – I’m a Baptist. If I attend a Catholic service why can’t I receive communion?
17:16 – How do we harmonize intercession of the saints and purgatory?
41:10 – It’s hard for me to get over the idea of the Eucharist being the body and blood of Jesus as a nondenominational Christian, because I feel like I would deify the wafer. How can I get over this hurdle?
51:41 – I was told that some of the saints may be pagan gods and goddesses like St. Brigid. Is this true?

Questions Covered:

08:03 – My wife and I aren’t confirmed yet. Does practicing do anything yet since we’re not fully initiated into the Church?
25:25 – I’m Jewish. What is the Catholic interpretation of Psalm 110?
36:47 – Why can’t we have premarital intercourse?
50:29 – Why does the show prompt there’s a non-optional requirement to be Catholic? Why does the Church think that it bears any weight in an individual’s relationship with God?

Questions Covered:

01:42 – What does a day-in-the-life of Jimmy Akin look like? I know so many of us are in awe of your depth and breadth of knowledge. It would be interesting to see how you structure your day with learning etc.
06:40 – I have a few questions that I have had on my mind for some time now. It is said that Latin is especially efficacious for prayer and exorcisms because it is the official language of the church. My question is this, for an Eastern Rite Catholic, who would be under the authority of their church’s head (although the Pope’s authority is, of course, universal and preeminent) and have their own Codes of Canon Law, would the native language of that church be more efficacious or similar in efficacy to prayers in Latin? Or would this only apply to the ancient languages? E.g. Latin, Greek, Aramaic, Coptic, Hebrew, and possibly Church Slavonic and Arabic.
14:22 – What’s your thoughts about whether animals and our pets can be in heaven with us or not?
18:55 – Does the church condone organ donation?
20:28 – Also should we vote for a candidate who is for abortion, when there is no one who is prolife. Should we vote for the lesser of two evils?
21:51 – I have full confidence that you are knowledgeable about the “identity” issue. What would you offer in scripture and the catechism to someone who identified as a furry?
28:38 – Given the tragic shortage of priests, what would you recommend to someone seeking a spiritual director who is having a hard time finding one?
32:08 – I’d like your advice on what to tell my 9-year-old about Blessed Imelda Lambertini (the young girl who reportedly died of joy upon receiving the Eucharist). After hearing about Blessed Imelda my 9-year-old is scared that the Eucharist will kill her too. And for my own curiosity, do you know if this is a documented account or more of a pious legend? Thanks!
37:39 – The strongest challenge I ever heard from a Protestant about the Assumption is, “How can the Catholic Church dogmatically declare that the Assumption was ‘believed at all times by the Church’, when there is literally no evidence anywhere in the Bible, Church Father writings or, apocryphal writings of the first Century?”
43:05 – What separates the “New Atheists” from the old Atheists?
45:26 – If there are many other planets with life, then how would they be saved? Did Christ death and resurrection count for them also and if so, how would they know. Or did God save each planet with aliens differently?
48:14 – What are some of the best ways to practice becoming as humble as possible, like Our Lady?
50:13 – Is it possible for your guardian angel to not like you or something about you? For example, maybe your guardian angel doesn’t like the same kind of music you listen to. I wonder if a guardian angel ever feels like they preferred getting someone else to guide.
52:38 – Who would win in a fight, the Incredible Hulk or felony tax evasion? Asking for a friend ️
53:43 – Why was it necessary for the Church to make the immaculate conception and assumption into dogmas (vs leaving them as non-mandatory for belief teachings)?

Questions Covered:

01:42 – What does a day-in-the-life of Jimmy Akin look like? I know so many of us are in awe of your depth and breadth of knowledge. It would be interesting to see how you structure your day with learning etc.
06:40 – I have a few questions that I have had on my mind for some time now. It is said that Latin is especially efficacious for prayer and exorcisms because it is the official language of the church. My question is this, for an Eastern Rite Catholic, who would be under the authority of their church’s head (although the Pope’s authority is, of course, universal and preeminent) and have their own Codes of Canon Law, would the native language of that church be more efficacious or similar in efficacy to prayers in Latin? Or would this only apply to the ancient languages? E.g. Latin, Greek, Aramaic, Coptic, Hebrew, and possibly Church Slavonic and Arabic.
14:22 – What’s your thoughts about whether animals and our pets can be in heaven with us or not?
18:55 – Does the church condone organ donation?
20:28 – Also should we vote for a candidate who is for abortion, when there is no one who is prolife. Should we vote for the lesser of two evils?
21:51 – I have full confidence that you are knowledgeable about the “identity” issue. What would you offer in scripture and the catechism to someone who identified as a furry?
28:38 – Given the tragic shortage of priests, what would you recommend to someone seeking a spiritual director who is having a hard time finding one?
32:08 – I’d like your advice on what to tell my 9-year-old about Blessed Imelda Lambertini (the young girl who reportedly died of joy upon receiving the Eucharist). After hearing about Blessed Imelda my 9-year-old is scared that the Eucharist will kill her too. And for my own curiosity, do you know if this is a documented account or more of a pious legend? Thanks!
37:39 – The strongest challenge I ever heard from a Protestant about the Assumption is, “How can the Catholic Church dogmatically declare that the Assumption was ‘believed at all times by the Church’, when there is literally no evidence anywhere in the Bible, Church Father writings or, apocryphal writings of the first Century?”
43:05 – What separates the “New Atheists” from the old Atheists?
45:26 – If there are many other planets with life, then how would they be saved? Did Christ death and resurrection count for them also and if so, how would they know. Or did God save each planet with aliens differently?
48:14 – What are some of the best ways to practice becoming as humble as possible, like Our Lady?
50:13 – Is it possible for your guardian angel to not like you or something about you? For example, maybe your guardian angel doesn’t like the same kind of music you listen to. I wonder if a guardian angel ever feels like they preferred getting someone else to guide.
52:38 – Who would win in a fight, the Incredible Hulk or felony tax evasion? Asking for a friend ️
53:43 – Why was it necessary for the Church to make the immaculate conception and assumption into dogmas (vs leaving them as non-mandatory for belief teachings)?


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