Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Fr. Sebastian Walshe discusses his co-authored book, 20 Answers: Prayer.
Questions Covered:

08:42 – Why do we pray the “Lord’s Prayer” the way we do during the Mass? Why is it different than the way Protestants pray? 
14:53 – If we believe that every prayer asked in faith will be answered, does that mean that the faithful prayer in Scripture will be answered? 
18:42 – Why do Catholics pray in Mary’s name or to Mary? 
28:00 – I have a hard time with prayer and I’ve never really read Scripture. Where is a good place to start?  
33:08 – My prayers are for others, but I read that prayers for others will not be answered because I can’t merit them. Is this true? 
37:10 – When was “Jesus” added to the Hail Mary prayer? 
41:48 – Is a prayer journal helpful? 
43:11 – What is a private devotion and why can’t it be prayed publicly? 
46:07 – When was “you” changed to “thee” in the Hail Mary and why? 
51:00 – What is the clearest example of someone’s prayer being answered by supernatural means? 

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 
Questions Covered:

07:45 – I attended a healing Mass and was anointed with oil. Does that mean that my sins were forgiven? I wasn’t in a state of grace, but I felt forgiven, so I received the Eucharist. 
15:00 – Is Pope Benedict stepping down from the papacy the same as it would be for Jesus to get off the Cross before dying? 
19:07 – Are my prayers effective if I pray for a non-believing person?  
29:32 – What does the Church teach about women deacons? 
42:38 – I am not Catholic but want to convert to become Catholic. I want to know now if my marriage will be valid. Can you help me? 
46:15 – My orthodox friend was trying to convince me that priests should be married using 1 Timothy 3:2. How can I respond? 

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 
Questions Covered:

03:07 – Guadalupe radio network…Someone told me it was unlikely that Jesus was not married. How can I defend his singleness and celibacy? 
12:24 – Jimmy mentioned that he felt that Pope Benedict might someday be canonized a saint. Can Jimmy explain his reasoning? 
17:04 – Are married couples obliged to abstain from sex while the wife is taking contraception? 
24:16 – Are we still living under the old covenant or a new covenant? 
31:30 – What is your opinion of Fr. Malachi Martin and his writings? 
36:00 – What alterations to the body are sinful? 
47:15 – I am a Protestant. Is the practice of indulgences supported by Exodus? 

Where in Scripture is the True Presence revealed? How do Catholics know that Jesus meant for his Church to consume Body and Blood? Find out here with Catholic Answers’ apologist, Karlo Broussard.
Questions Covered:

07:56 – In John 6:55, is Jesus telling the Jews that to “drink his blood” would break the Mosaic law of not consuming blood, so giving them a command they could not follow? My Protestant friend says this was his way of telling the Jews to go away. 
16:13 – What is the Catholic understanding of the Real Presence? What happens to the wine and bread? 
24:19 – Why does the bread have to be specially made for the Mass to be valid? Does it have to be bread? 
32:45 – Do you have to believe that the Body and Blood is real? Will you not have life within you if you don’t? 
43:30 – When the Eucharist is digested into our bodies, do we become the accidentals? 
47:44 – I am a new Catholic. Before Christianity was legalized, did they do it as they were eating a meal? If so, why has the liturgy changed so much since 100 or 200 AD? 

Book Karlo to speak at your parish or next event. 
Want more from Karlo Broussard?  

Meeting the Protestant Challenge: How to Answers 50 Biblical Objections to Catholic Beliefs
Prepare the Way: Overcoming Obstacles to God, the Gospel and the Church 
Why God Still Matters 
The Bible Blueprint for the Priesthood 

The Bible Blueprint for the Mass 

How can a person know what God is calling him to do? Fr. Mike shares with listeners how to hear God and fulfill his will for their lives.
Questions Covered:

07:19 – How do I discern my vocation when I feel like I’ve tried something, and it hasn’t worked? 
19:44 – I am discerning religious life, but I have never had a date. I am confused. What should I do? 
29:00 – How can I discern when to evangelize to friends and family in my life? 
41:36 – How can I practically discern God’s will for my personal vocation? 
49:33 – It seems like I fall when I lack trust and God and cling to the security of the world and become anxious. Where am I being called through this? 


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