Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Fr. David Meconi takes pastoral and apologetics questions from listeners.
Questions Covered:

06:00 – I recently purchased a home altar kit. We have not gotten any of it blessed. How can I bless my candles and icons, etc? 
08:08 – My husband and I were married in 2001, but he left me in 2012. I have been trying to find him, but he has not given me a divorce or an annulment. I want to be a part of a third order. Can I call myself a bride of Christ? 

18:16 – Why can’t the priest consecrate the bread and wine for us at home through the TV? 
22:22 – How do angels and demons fight? 
28:00 – Why can’t men with schizophrenia be priests? 
30:43 – Can you expand on why Jesus says, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” 
40:50 – Why was Satan allowed to do so much to Job’s family? 

45:30 – How do you explain the cardinal ranking of priests? 
48:10 – I have been making rosaries. Do they need to be blessed before I send them to people?  
50:56 – Is there time in purgatory? 

As we begin Holy Week, Steve Ray discusses the Cross of Christ and the figures surrounding it.
Questions Covered:

19:48 – Why did God send his Son to die and then get mad and send an earthquake when He did die? 
23:34 – Did the Jews kill Jesus and did the Romans bring them in?  
34:25 – Is it true that the nails would have gone through Jesus’ hands? 
37:44 – Was Barnabus an eyewitness of Christ on the Cross? 
46:04 – What was Jesus scourged with? 

50:00 – Was it the custom for family members to be able to stand at the foot of the Cross or was this a special circumstance that Mary and the others were there? 

Who were the giants in Scripture?
Questions Covered:

01:35 – If humans had to leave Earth and live on spaceships or other planets, would the Pope still be the bishop of Rome? Would the bishops get new dioceses? 
06:10 – Is the dog that saved St. Rocco from starving, by bringing him bread, in Heaven? Could the dog have been an Angel? 
11:40 – If a priest were to offer Mass on the International Space Station, would the only one to be able to grant faculties for him to preach, hear confessions or witness marriages be the pope since he is constantly traveling over different dioceses at any given time? The more important question is whether a Mass in space with microgravity could even be offered validly. Would the wine be able to stay in a chalice in a valid manner? 
17:41 – Why is St Christopher shown with a dog’s head? 
19:50 – Let’s say your adult son from the future travels to present day and informs you that he was 1) conceived out of wedlock, 2) was raised by his single mother because you married another woman, and 3) all of that set him on a path to becoming Pope. Question: how obligated would you be to ensure that timeline remain intact, since any slight alteration could result in your son never being born? 
23:24 – Could we (or at least the people responsible for it) allow AI to call us (or consider us) their creator-gods? In a sense, AI would be created ex-nihilo and would be imprinted with our humanity without being human. 
29:02 – If human technology ever developed Star Trek level matter teleportation, and that technology was used to transport people, would the transported person be the EXACT same upon rematerialization, down to the God-given soul, or would they be just a near-perfect facsimile with a different soul (given that the person is essentially destroyed at the molecular level when transported)? If the latter, would the transporter operator be in any way culpable for the death of the person who was dematerialized (be that person human, Klingon, or even android)? 
31:44 – If God exists outside of time and space as we know it here and now, will his existence be different in heaven for eternity after the Final Judgement? We can only assume heaven too will exist in time and space since we will have our glorified bodies…or will it? 
35:05 – What if an animal here on Earth evolved to be clearly rational in the same way humans are, would they need to be baptized? Would they be considered made in the image and likeness God as well? And would they have equal/greater/lesser intrinsic worth than us? (Same goes for aliens) 
42:00 – Can Baby Yoda receive baptism if the Child were real? 
44:49 – If you baptize the Wicked Witch of the West with water, is it an act of charity or an act of murder? 
48:03 – I have heard Heaven described as a banquet feast, if this is true, then my quest is who will be at our table? My son was adopted, will he be with my husband and I or his birth mother? Thanks! For some reason it saddens me that he might not be with us in this scenario. 
51:13 – Do you think Oswald was the lone gunman? 
52:52 – I really want to know what’s up with the “giants” in the Bible. ‍

Is there any evidence in the Bible that we must grow in holiness?
Questions Covered:

04:37 – Does God bestow equal amounts of grace on all human beings? 
17:40 – Is drive through or parking lot Communion a licit way to receive the Eucharist? 
19:23 – Can you explain invincible ignorance to me? 
24:30 – What was it like sanitarily during the time of Christ? 
28:32 – What is the difference between mediator and intercessor? 
33:19 – Is my desire for my baby to be baptized sufficient for a baptism? Everything is delayed and we can’t go get her baptized. 
40:33 – How can we fulfill our Saturday obligations when I can’t attend Mass or confession? 
49:01 – Do you know anything about a very recent translation of the Bible called “New Catholic Bible”? 
50:53 – Are there passages that reflect the process of growing in holiness? 

Callers choose the topics during Open Forum, peppering our guests with questions on every aspect of Catholic life and faith, the moral life, and even philosophical topics that touch on general religious belief. 
Questions Covered:

07:47 – Why do Catholics believe in baptizing infants? 
14:20 – If all sins are forgiven in confession, will they be brought back up again in purgatory? 
18:28 – Why did Jesus have to descend into Hell? 
29:49 – What effect does the news that the Dead Sea Scrolls are fraudulent on biblical scholarship? 
33:52 – What is the Catholic teaching about the dead going to heaven in light of John 3:13? 
45:05 – Can I go to confession for the sins of my entire life? Is it okay to confess sins that I have already confessed before? 


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