Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

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Questions Covered:

43:22 – If schism is a mortal sin, does that mean that when those schismatic churches receive communion, they are receiving it in mortal sin?
50:40 – What are your thoughts on Pope Benedict XVI’s view of Purgatory in Saved in Hope, Spe Salvi, encyclical?

Questions Covered:

08:30 – What happens to Pontius Pilate’s wife Claudia? Did she ever convert?
12:48 – How can the Church say that there is no salvation outside the Church yet declare people saints like St. Gregory of Narek?
16:13 – How did you come to believe in the intercession of saints and confessing sins to a priest? I’m protestant and having a hard time with it
28:54 – What do you think of Catholics who say that Catholics have to support labor unions?
36:24 – What are the benefits of being Catholic as opposed to being an atheist? And Why Catholicism instead of another denomination?
43:45 – Since venial sin doesn’t send one to hell, would one still need Jesus if they’ve never committed a mortal sin?
49:38 – As a Catholic how do we respond to the Black Hebrew Israelites who assert salvation due to race or culture?

Questions Covered:

03:44 – In the Transformers, there are a team of Constructicons where 5 robots can combine to make one giant robot. According to the official character bio, the giant robot, Devastator, has a unique consciousness that is also a composite of all 5 unique, individual robot personalities. Do you think this is a good illustration of how God works, albeit being a Quintessence as opposed to a Trinity? 
08:40 – Chiropractic. Religion? New Age wooow? Scam? 
13:15 – Most Christians I know would say “light as a feather, stiff as a board” is demons. Because, you know… If it’s not demons, is there a natural explanation for why it works? 
16:50 – What do you think the likelihood is that we will meet beings from other realities that God created when we get to heaven? Or should we expect that this is the only reality, and the sole occupants of heaven will be from this space-time continuum? 
18:23 – Why did Jesus ascend into the sky and what happened to His body? Did it disappear or do he go to other planets or outer space? 
21:14 – Was it not a good idea for Johnny to take the bet with the devil in the song “Devil went down to Georgia”, given that the Church strongly encourages not conversing with the devil or demons, even though he won the bet? 
24:03 – If humans evolved from different humanoid species in the past, at what point did we gain a soul? 
29:07 – Why did Peter put on his clothes before jumping in the water? 
31:05 – In Tobit, Archangel Raphael states that it only seemed to Tobias that he was eating, but really did not. So did Raphael atomize the food he touched when having meals with Tobias or is there another explanation? 
How would someone be able to explain that Jesus really ate with his Apostles when Archangel Raphael only made it seem like it? 
36:35 – I wonder is it a sin to be psychic? My grandmother was a very gifted psychic and a devout Catholic. This created some issues when she was criticized by the priest at church.

Questions Covered:

02:30 – I mean no disrespect with this question…. I noticed a few weeks ago that Jimmy was leaving the “g” off of words like “teachin” or “reasonin” and others. I can only assume that this is the normal dialect in Arkansas? Question. Is this change due to a conscious effort to return to his “roots” or is this an outcome of being immersed back into the Arkansas dialect through local conversations? Love Mysterious World and Cy’s awkward Dad joke sense of humor.
08:17 – In the very first Weird Questions I listened to, Jimmy answered a question asking if a man was teleported back in time to 5 BC, what obligations he would have to do in order to worship God properly. Now, let me ask the reverse of that. Suppose a man from 500BC was in stasis for thousands of years and wakes up when a group of archaeologists discover him. I imagine the option to be baptized and confirmed would be just as open to him as to any other man (provided he knows what the sacraments and the Gospel mean), but if the man were to die after his waking up in the 21st century without having done these things, what would be the state of his soul?
11:31 – We have a ghost where I work….and I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen and heard it with my own eyes. A coworker recently got a spirit box and it has picked up some interesting things but I wasn’t there when they were using it. Do those things (spirit boxes} have any legitimacy to them?
16:40 – Just wondering if you can address something that kept coming to my mind while listening to Mysterious World (AA 1025) If so thanks. My question is not directly related but it made me think about Bella Dodd and her impact related to infiltration in the church along with her conversation. I just want to hear your thoughts on this. On a side note I really enjoy your work but I particularly enjoy Mysterious World!!!
19:31 – Are there any conditions that must be met for the devil to possess someone? In Other words, are there any characteristics of a person that would need to be present in order for that person to be possessed by a demon?
28:57 – Did Jesus ever get bitten by mosquitos, ticks! Lice or other blood-feeding pests? And if so what would the implications be of these creatures potentially being the first among creation to receive the precious blood of Christ? I tend to think about this when hiking in deep quiet woods and swarmed by a fog of billions of mosquitos with nothing apparently to eat but me. Perhaps they cannot starve to death and are in a sense immortal?
33:25 – So I read a book about a guy that whenever he dies he is reborn but with all the memories of his previous lives.
My question is that if he became a priest in one of his lives would that end at his death, or would he technically still be a priest in every life after that?
35:16 – Who invented smoking? More importantly, how did people discover that inhaling burning fumes from various herbs feels good?
39:27 – Can the belief in djinn be incorporated into the Catholic worldview? And if so, how would this affect the categories of alien and demon by adding a third possible explanation of unexplained phenomenon?
44:35 – What is Baphomet?
48:45 – My son, Jonathan would like like a deep dive on Angelic swords (Genesis 3:24) Did the angels forge them? Are they still around? Did God invent swords?
51:42 – Would it be a stretch or not from a Catholic perspective to say that both Multiple Personality Disorder and Rabies are different ways in which demonic activity can manifest? I.e. The Personalities of those with MPD actually being demons in disguise waiting for the right moment to strike or rabies being a disease that could evolve into a form of demonic possession that can manifest in various animals

Questions Covered:

04:03 – Does the trial of Pope Formosus disprove Papal Infallibility?
10:50 – Does time exist in the Church triumphant and the Church suffering as it does for the Church militant?
17:56 – How can we explain to an animal rights activist that humans have greater value and dignity?
24:36 – What’s the morality of interacting with algorithms that can influence others to encounter questionable material?
31:09 – I want to start defending the faith. How do I defend the words “Praying to” when referring to Mary?
36:42 – What is the Catholic perspective of the orthogonality thesis within general purpose intelligence research?
42:29 – In your recent debate with James White on Sola Scriptura you argued the different ways “Word of God’ was used. What resource did you use to build that argument?
46:33 – My wife and I both grew up Catholic but never got married in the Church. Do we have to get our marriage blessed by the Church? We now live like brother and sister.
51:05 – My son is in college and questioning whether God is real. How do I start a conversation with him without scaring him away?


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