Catholic Answers LIVE
Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America.
As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns, social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it!
Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive.
Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!
Most Recent Episodes
Questions Covered:
1:42 – Bishop Barron questions if anyone is in hell and he says there is no church teaching on who is in hell. Are there people in hell and can we know if there are?
11:48 – Can Tim help me formulate an answer to the pro-choice argument that pregnancy is extremely dangerous and so therefore abortion is okay?
23:29 – Why does the Pope come out with the Motu Proprio but not come down strongly on politicians who are pro-choice and still receive communion?
39:44 – Why should I be Catholic?
44:29 – How do I answer the claim that St. Augustine was a Calvinist made by my protestdent friends?
46:20 – I’m an orthodox Christian and I’m discerning marriage with a Roman Catholic girl. I really cherish the tradition we have of infant baptism, confirmation, and communion happening all at the same time. Why doesn’t the Roman Catholic church have this tradition? How can you claim the fullness of the faith without doing this?
Questions Covered:
14:40 – How would I respond to a friend who keeps sinning and going to confession as a “ticket out” (and not stopping sinning)?
20:40 – What can you do about confession if you’re not yet a Catholic?
32:11 – A few times when I went to confession I forgot my penance. Is my confession valid?
36:35 – Why do we have to confess mortal sin and not venial?
42:00 – When did we start having private confessions?
48:19 – I had not gone to confession in over 40 years and went earlier this year. But then I remembered additional mortal sins after I had gone to confession. What do I need to do?
Questions Covered:
07:38 – When the ‘65 Mass and missal were around, did priests have the choice to celebrate 1) either all in Latin or with some vernacular, and 2) either facing East or not?
11:30 – How can parish priests evangelize to fallen-away Catholics?
16:12 – Will the Eucharist be in the New Earth?
19:05 – Is it morally acceptable for me to ask someone their gender if I already have a good idea what it is?
21:02 – I recently learned my marriage isn’t valid. Do I have to refrain from receiving Communion until it’s validated?
24:24 – Is the Catechism infallible? How should we use it as a source if it’s not? What exactly is theological opinion?
32:04 – What’s the latest Canon law thinking on the pope’s motu proprio?
34:10 – Is JPII’s Theology of the Body considered doctrine or just theological opinion?
45:20 – My church doesn’t kneel after the “Holy, holy, holy” in the Eucharistic prayer. We sit instead. Is this okay?
48:03 – How was it decided which specific saints are in the Eucharistic Prayer?
In her new book, Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology, Noelle Mering argues that our “woke” moment is, in fact, a surrender to the age-old temptation to take the place of God. It is also the direct consequence of the sexual revolution. She joins us to explain how an awake Christian can help free the world of the destructive ideology of “woke”.
Cy Kellett:
Can a Christian get woke? Noelle Mering is next.
Cy Kellett:
Hello, and welcome to Focus, the Catholic Answers podcast for living, understanding and defending your Catholic faith. …
Weird Questions Covered:
01:29 – If a human is a rational animal (that’s to say that it has the natural tendency to grow, eat, feel, see, will, and reason) then would the consecrated Eucharist have these innate tendencies as well? Are there any conditions under which the Eucharist can do even one of those things mentioned, let alone all of them?
4:26 – By time traveling are you interfering with God’s plan? Even if we think we are stopping an evil act, God has his reasons.
06:22 – If you were to save someone in the past would that person in the new timeline have a different soul? They lived a longer lifetime and committed other acts either righteous or sinful. To me that would logically mean it’s not the same soul since we are judged by our one life. One version of the person could have gone to hell and other to heaven.
11:12 – Given the speed of light, is it possible that a person, right now, on a planet 2000 light years away and with a telescope so powerful that he could see onto the surface of the earth in great detail, could watch Jesus walking and teaching.
14:00 – Will every curiosity or question that I have in this life have an answer in heaven, or will the experience of sanctification or purgatory simply remove that curious or questioning spirit from me?
15:59 – What is your take on the floating log mat model for the origin of coal beds and biogeography? As both a coal miner and a Catholic, I am interested in the theory that the great flood caused a mass (or masses) of fallen logs to float about the world, but I have a hard time making the leap that this proves a young earth and our previous theories for the formation of coal seams taken millions of years are no longer valid. On a related note, is the story of the great flood required to be taken literally, or could it have been a regional flood that wiped out the human population but maybe did not cover the entire earth?
19:49 – I became Catholic, I enjoyed those shows on Travel Channel like Ghost Adventures, where these paranormal investigators would lock themselves in a “haunted” place and try to capture evidence of the paranormal through EVP [that is, Electronic Voice Phenomena] sessions and whatnot. I don’t necessarily believe it was all real (or all fake for that matter either) and I’m a fairly educated individual and understand the behavioral psychology of “hearing voices” through EVP and, as such, am highly skeptical. HOWEVER, these shows are very entertaining, and I have to admit, I enjoy them, for entertainment. As a Catholic, is it a sin to watch these shows for entertainment? I would never even think of doing it myself or even put any stock in what they do. I know we are forbidden from attempting to contact the dead, but is watching these shows for entertainment, per se, sinful? I can’t find anything definitive about it.
36:24 – Let’s say, in an alternate timeline, the Left Behind fictional series, centered around the end of the world and the 2nd coming of Christ, was authored by faithful Catholics. In order to keep the series in line with Church teaching, what events would need to be included, what events would need to be omitted, and what events may or may not be included as they are subject to theological speculation?
42:21 – Suppose someone became an undead vampire. Yet, they still have a moral conscience and know right from wrong. The Church also teaches that suicide is a mortal sin. Would it be a sin for such a person to commit suicide in order to protect others from becoming a vampire?
51:05 – How would you reconcile Earth’s liturgical calendar with planets that have longer or shorter solar years? Can you have Easter twice in one year? Could you have a year without Christmas?