Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

01:19 – Is St. Thomas More’s “Dialogue of Comfort” consistent with the Catholic Church’s teaching on suffering today?
05:12 – Is everyone in heaven a saint?
07:14 – Is it safe to call St. Peter the Bishop of Pentecost?
12:20 – When the priest mentions “Those who sleep in Christ” during Mass, is that a different state from heaven, hell, and purgatory?
17:10 – I often read that some saints went to confession weekly. I thought you only went to confession when you committed a mortal sin. Does that mean these saints were committing mortal sins all the time, or is it ok to go to confession just for venial sins?
19:59 – Can thoughts be mortally sinful?
22:54 – How should I confront or correct priests who change things in the liturgy or teach things that aren’t correct?
29:01 – What can I do if I want to visit a seminary but they don’t want to allow exemptions for the COVID vaccine?
36:39 – How could anybody get the idea that Mother Teresa was a bad person?
44:23 – My non-Catholic family member was recently hospitalized. If he doesn’t make it, is there hope for him to reach heaven?
52:03 – What’s more important: theology or God?

Questions Covered:

02:35 – Is it possible to sin in a dream?
05:47 – We know Jesus didn’t sin, but the Gospels say he matured. What does that mean?
11:39 – I read from Richard Rohr that Hell isn’t a real place, and that it isn’t so much a place as a state of being. What exactly is the difference between those?
18:59 – Why does the woman in Revelation wail aloud in labor pains if she was Mary and therefore born without sin?
22:23 – I’ve been told by Eastern Orthodox that they don’t believe in purgatory because of the treasury of merit. What is your take on that?
34:41 – How will we recognize when Jesus comes back?
37:17 – Are traditional indigenous dances allowed during Mass?
45:04 – Why is the Holy Spirit the third person in particular?
48:19 – Is it wrong to protest Nebraska Medical Center for not allowing EWTN on their televisions?
51:03 – Was Judas a sinner?

Questions Covered:

01:33 – Genetics seems to refute Catholic dogma because it shows that Adam never existed.
09:43 – If James says Abraham was justified when he offered Isaac as a sacrifice, but then Paul says he was justified when he believed God, isn’t that a contradiction? How could you still believe in the inerrancy of scripture?
14:37 – Most scholars seem to accept that Mark is the oldest of the Gospels, and also accept that the end isn’t original. They also say that the epistles of Paul are older, but Paul never met Jesus in the flesh. If that’s the case, is the historical reliability of the New Testament in doubt?
21:57 – How do I best spread the faith while maintaining my duties as a public school counselor?
33:28 – How do I begin in the field of apologetics?
41:07 – What do “works” mean in the Catholic Church, and are they what save you?
50:50 – How would you respond to this argument: if it’s morally permissible to remove a clone from your body, then it’s morally permissible to remove a fetus. Therefore abortion is morally permissible.

Questions Covered:

05:36 – Sam Harris argues that free will is debunked by our inability to find an origin for our own thoughts. What is Trent’s response?
19:25 – If Jesus, who is God himself, admits that it would be better if Judas had never been born, isn’t he admitting that he made a mistake? How could he be all-good?
23:45 – What’s the best argument you’ve heard against theism?
31:51 – If God is all-powerful, how come so many awful things happen?
38:12 – My uncle is arguing that if humans were special and created by God, they’d all look the same at the beginning of the process and be created at the same time. But since that’s not the case, he says there’s no God.
48:30 – I believe that the universe has a creator, but I think he’s so distant from us that he doesn’t really care for us.

Catholic Answers Quiz Show!
Elisha vs. Angel

Contestant One
1) Which of the following encyclicals was not written by Pope JPII?

a) Pacem In Terris (Peace on Earth)
b) Veritatis Splendor
c) Evangelium Vitae

2)  Pope John Paul was the first non-Italian pope in:

a) 1237 years
b) 871 years
c) 455 years

3) Pope John Paul II attended

a) The First Vatican Council.
b) The Second Vatican Council.
c) Neither because he lived in communist Poland.

Contestant Two
1) Pope John Paul gave his teaching, now called the Theology of the Body:

a) In an encyclical
b) At his weekly audiences.
c) In a book called Fides Et Ratio.

2) Pope John Paul got lots of criticism because he once kissed:

a)A copy of the Koran.
b) Fidel Castro.
c) A statue of the Buddha.

3) Pope John Paul II was shot:

a) On the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.
b) On the feast of the Divine Mercy.
c) On the feast of Sts Peter and Paul.

Contestant One
1) The souls in Heaven:

a) Are given faith in proportion to how they lived.
b) Do not have faith.
c) Are given a superabundance of faith.

2) The Apostle Paul was a:

a) Sadducee
b) Temple Priest
c) Pharisee

3) The title “Theotokos” or God-bearer was used:

a) By only one of the early church fathers.
b) By none of the Church fathers. It is a later development.
c) By many of the early Church Fathers.

Contestant Two
1) The Communion of Saints refers to:

A) The canonized saints who can be honored at Mass.
B) All of the saints in heaven whether they have been canonized or not.
C) All of those who have been made children of God by Christ whether in heaven, on earth, or in purgatory.

2) Which of the following is true about St. Paul:

a) He was a powerful healer, so much so that people could heal the sick just using objects that had touched Paul.
b) He was a preacher, but unlike the other apostles, he had no healing ministry.
c) He taught that only the sacraments could heal.

3)  The bishops of the Orthodox Churches are:

a.) Not successors of the Apostles as Catholic bishops are
b.) Successors of the Apostles
c.) Successors only of St. Paul but not of St. Peter


True or False: The Holy Spirit is not the Father, the Father is not the Son, and the Son is not the Holy Spirit.
True or False: The Investiture Controversy involved Greek Patriarchs refusing to allow the Pope to appoint bishops.
True or False: During the Roman persecutions, those who caved to Roman pressure were never allowed back into communion.
True or False: Jesus chose only Jewish men for his Apostles.
True or False: Jesus had the Beatific vision even when he was in Mary’s womb.
True or False: Detraction is the sin of lying to hurt the reputation of another.
True or False: One is not morally required to always choose the highest good.


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