Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

4:11 – Do the saints who go to heaven bypass purgatory because they’ve become perfectly sanctified or is there another reason like a special grace?
08:19 – Is Jimmy a fan of the Ozark Mountain Daredevils?
14:30 – Is it sinful to watch media that takes the Lord’s name in vain?
18:40 – What would the feeling be if we were in heaven but our loved ones didn’t make it? Would we be sad?
22:50 – What’s the best way to introduce my significant other to Catholicism?
28:25 – How accurate is C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy scientifically?
33:15 – It seems like we don’t have free will because our choices are either caused or uncaused. If they’re uncaused, then they’d be random; but if they’re caused, there’d be a chain of causality going back outside ourselves so they wouldn’t be our choices. What’s the Catholic resolution to this?
45:08 – Where is hell?
48:06 – Should I have a litmus test for a parish before I join?
50:48 – If the priest prays the apostolic prayer over you before you die, do you skip purgatory?

The Jews of Jesus’ time, like Jews today, prayed for the dead. Apologist Joe Heschmeyer looks at how Jesus and the early Church responded to this widespread practice and finds strong evidence that the Lord intended his Church to continue it.

Cy Kellett:
God’s people have always prayed for the dead. Joe Heschmeyer is next. A shocking change occurred when in the 16th century some Christians began to teach that we could not or should not pray for the dead. Jesus never said any such thing, nor did the apostles or the gospel writers, which raises a question.
Cy Kellett:
If the Jews pra…

Questions Covered:

03:57 – My girlfriend is non-Catholic and doesn’t understand why she and her family can’t have confession and the Eucharist, and also why I need them if it’s possible for non-Catholics to go to heaven without them.
10:05 – I heard a rabbi claim that the Jesus that Christians believe in is a false Jesus. Why don’t the Jewish people believe in Jesus?
15:38 – How does the necessity of baptism square with the idea that those who haven’t heard of Catholicism can be saved?
23:28 – How could an all-loving God allow such horrible suffering like in the Holocaust?
29:11 – If I’m praying for something, but then remember more intentions as I’m praying it, does that make the prayer progressively less powerful for each, like it’s being divided?
31:49 – I was in a major car accident and am in a lot of pain and sometimes can’t make it to mass. My Catholic doctor tells me to offer it up and that I’m saving souls in purgatory. Also my daughter had my granddaughter baptized Lutheran and won’t have anything to do with the Catholic Church. I just really need some guidance.
35:59 – I understand we get a plenary indulgence if we go to mass on All Souls’ Day. What do we have to say or do for it? Also, if we pray at a cemetery, do we get a second indulgence?
41:02 – Have you heard of the book Psychic Wholeness and Healing by Conrad Baars and Anna Terruwe? It’s a Thomistic approach to psychology and I’m wondering if it’s trustworthy.
44:27 – Can you pray for Jesus?
46:00 – How should we make jokes? And how should we react to sinful joking?

Questions Covered:

06:25 – I’ve noticed that during consecration some of the faithful will bow when the priest kneels. Is that okay, and if so, should it be encouraged?
12:42 – Was it ever a custom immediately following Vatican II for the Ordinary Form to be celebrated facing east with communion rails?
16:17 – If anyone is in purgatory, we know they’re going to heaven and God’s timing is perfect. So why are we praying for them?
22:58 – How do you actually pray for the dead? What are you supposed to say?
28:46 – I was talking to a Protestant about how the Church is important because we need an interpretive body of God’s word, and she responded that the Holy Spirit interprets for her. How do I answer this?
32:48 – If I’m living in a state of grace, am I in spiritual communion with Jesus? And if that’s the case, what would a prayer for spiritual communion actually do? And what does living in spiritual communion mean on a day-to-day basis?
38:00 – Is it appropriate to not kneel during mass?
43:54 – What happens to a person when they’re in a state of obstinate mortal sin and they receive communion? And is a Catholic politician in a country that legalizes abortion an advocate for mass murder?
48:18 – I heard that if you’re watching a live mass, if you have bread and wine with you, they won’t be consecrated so you can’t have communion if you’re unable to go to Mass. Is that true? Doesn’t it put a limit on God’s power?
51:52 – What is the determining factor in whether a baptized person goes to hell or purgatory after they die?


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