Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Is there a wrong way to have a baby? Stephanie Gray Connors, author of Conceived by Science explains the human rights issues with in vitro fertilization.

Cy Kellet:
Everybody loves a baby, but is IVF a moral way to get one? Stephanie Gray Connors is next. Hello, and welcome to Focus, the Catholic Answers podcast for living, understanding, and defending your Catholic faith. The better we get at reproductive technology, biological technology, the finer the distinctions become that we need to make. And this can really drive people crazy. They can say things like, “You’re just splitti…

Questions Covered:

02:43 – Is it ok to copy and paste parts from your website and post them on forums when responding to protestants? In the context of 1 Peter 3:19 Does baptism save you?
16:24 – I’ve seen a lot of young people attracted to the Traditional Latin Mass, should we start having more Latin Masses?
18:42 – If you give something up for Lent and decide to enjoy it on Sundays, what time can I start? Can you start at the vigil?
22:55 – I’ve heard that cursed rosaries from Africa are being circulated. What should we do with them and what does a curse do?
28:48 – A devout Catholic asked me the following question: Is there a telepathic connection between mother and child? Can you help me answer it properly?
33:49 – What does the Church teach about guitars in mass and contemporary music?
41:25 – I have a lot of friends that work in the night life industry that I want to share the Faith with. How can I share the Faith and how does your work life affect your spiritual life?
46:27 – When does temptation become a sin?
51:03 – There are 3 differences between the Nicene and Apostles Creed. Why did the changes happen?

Questions Covered:

05:00 – Was the reading “love your enemies,” an image of how God responds to his enemies?
15:20 – Is there any theology for praying for the intercession of the souls of aborted children?
17:45 – I’ve heard it said that in Catholic theology the “means doesn’t justify the ends.” How do we reconcile this with solving the problem of evil?
20:28 – I don’t quite understand the joint declaration of justification between the Lutherans and the Catholics. Could you clarify it for me?
23:57 – On the invalid baptism: could you clarify, is it unsolvable unless someone goes back to check the documentation?
28:48 – Are you familiar with the Sermon of St. Leonard Port Mourice entitled “Few Are Saved.” What do you think about how the Church has shifted away from focusing on salvation, especially in homilies?
32:57 – Were Adam and Eve the people Cain was afraid of after he murdered his brother? Who else was there when Cain asked for the mark of protection?
39:38 – I read in the bible about silence being considered consent. I can’t seem to find it. Do you know where that would be?
43:08 – I’m a protestant but have decided to leave. Where would be a good place to start my research on why the Catholic Church is the one true Church?
48:23 – I tend to read the bible as though God is speaking directly to me. What does the Church teach about this?

Questions Covered:

05:36 – Whenever a heterosexual couple calls, you say “God bless you, you have a heavy cross, we will pray for you” but when a homosexual person calls, you never say those things to them. How do you answer for this? 
14:18 – I have a daughter with same sex attractions and her significant other is divorced while as the same time identifying as trans. How can I compassionately respond to this situation? 
19:43 – Over 50% of Catholics in America are secularizing themselves and supporting LGBT beliefs while at the same time rejecting the official teachings on this issue. Why do you think that is? 
23:42 – I feel like you guys have always been compassionate, and I thank you for that. 
32:30 – I’ve heard it said that same sex attractions can be malleable, what is your understanding of this idea? Is there any group that serves that goal?   
39:10 – I’m familiar with Encourage, there is a virtual audio conference call for parents, and I wanted to share that information. 
43:40 – My daughter has same sex attractions and says that the reason is because dad is a jerk and not a good dad. Is that a thing? 
48:52 – My brother lives in a polyamorous relationship and is married to a woman. How can I help him change his sense of direction and share the Catholic Faith with him? 

Questions Covered:

3:00 – What is the difference between propitiation, atonement, satisfaction, and expiation? 
7:46 – Regarding veiling in the Church, why was veiling not true for all time in the Church’s teaching? 
14:56 – My Jewish friend said he doesn’t accept Jesus as the Jewish messiah because Elijah didn’t come and didn’t fulfill the prophecy. How do I respond? 
21:39 – What does it mean when Jesus says that there are many rooms in his Father’s house? 
23:25 – Seeing as beliefs are not a choice but a compulsion, where do you stand regarding Romans 2: “People know what God is, it is written on their hearts, and they suppress it.” 
40:45 – How can there be a guard at Jesus’ tomb if it was the sabbath and they weren’t supposed to work on a sabbath? 
45:25 – Regarding almsgiving. What type of emphasis does the Church place on private property? 


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