Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Questions Covered:

11:46 – I was told that the 12-step program is based on the beatitudes. Is this true? 
13:58 – The beatitudes start with “happy are those” not “blessed” 
18:07 – The beatitude regarding righteousness, How does this apply when wanting to help a parent who doesn’t want to be helped because they don’t see you as someone to correct them? 
22:30 – Could you expound on the beatitude “blessed are the peacemakers?” 
36:35 – Can you clarify the phrase poor in spirit? 
39:16 – To what extent is the term blessed synonymous with happy? 
44:19 – Are you familiar with how the beatitudes are depicted on the series The Chosen? If you have, what are your thoughts on it? 
49:55 – How does one receive the awareness of being poor in spirit if one lives in a society of comfort and abundance?   
53:08 – Is your new book in a good format for a bible study? Does it come with the study guide? 

Questions Covered:

13:55 – I’ve been Catholic all my life but I’m still mystified. A part of me embraces his mercy and another part of me is afraid of him. Can you help give some insight?
20:14 – What is a relationship with Christ? How does one relate that to protestants?
31:53 – How does God use guardian angels to bring us closer to him?
35:07 – Am I focusing too much on the Father rather than Jesus?
40:18 – Has your knowledge of the Church Fathers helped you with your relationship?
43:38 – You mentioned reading the bible to help with a relationship. I struggle with reading the bible because I fear that I’ll misinterpret it. Can you give me some advice?
46:45 – Don’t have a relationship with Jesus and am no longer believing. I’m only remaining Catholic because I fear hell. Is this wrong?
50:17 – How do I help my four children have a relationship with Jesus when I struggle with having one with him?
52:37 – How do you make having a relationship with Jesus sound fun and exciting when talking about it?

Questions Covered:

00:58 – Does Time Travel exist?
04:39 – Granting that I time travel back to the past to Jesus’ crucifixion, I take videos of Jesus to prove he exists, and I join Mary and John in approaching him. Is there a possibility that I will be recorded in the Bible? And will the videos and photos that I have taken will be erased if I come back from the past?
09:35 – Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?
17:39 – Where are all the cryptid sightings coming from, especially in national parks?
28:44 – Archeologists have discovered that there was a small Christian community in the city of Pompeii before the Vesuvius eruption. What if, by some miracle, a scroll somehow survived in the city, with the text of something that claimed to be a “Letter of Paul to the Pompeians”? It follows the format of the universally accepted Pauline epistles, it doesn’t contradict anything Paul wrote previously, and it ultimately seems to be genuinely from Paul. How do you think the Church would respond to the situation?
41:48 – What are the top three (or any other arbitrary number) lost books you would love to have? Tell us about them, and tell us why you would love to have them. I’d like to read the Gospel of the Hebrews, for example, in its entirety (instead of the fragments left behind in writings by the early Church Fathers).
50:43 – Does the Highlander have a soul since he is immortal? Would an immortal being need a soul?
 52:13 – Does baptism apply to a person’s entire body? For example, if technology were such that my body died but one cell remained alive and I was regrown immediately from that cell, is my baptism still valid or does the regrown body need to be baptized? Similarly, if a baptized person’s heart (or other organ) is transplanted into another non-baptized person does the organ from the baptized body transmit its baptismal graces to the new body?

Questions Covered:

02:30 – In Genesis, the Lord told the serpent he would have to crawl on his belly and eat dirt. Did the serpent die, or is it still around? Did its descendants have to eat dust too? Are they still around? 
06:48 – How would a Catholic time lord know when to go to mass to fulfill the Sunday obligation? Are all the incarnations of the Doctor married to River Song, or just the eleventh doctor? Given that they both time traveled separately and could conceivably encounter each other at any point in time and space, at what point would he be considered a widower? 
12:59 – Jimmy Akin, how do you store information in your brain? Do you have a photographic memory? Have you been partially assimilated or turned into a cyber man, allowing you to call to mind detailed information at will? How exactly do you store the plethora of the facts and data that you keep in your head? 
28:43 – A news story described a couple that discovered they were not legally married because—after the service was performed—the marriage license was not sent to the proper civil department, so they needed to have a new civil wedding. Question 1 If this happens with a Catholic Wedding would anything need to be done when fixing the civil side? Question 2 What if there is clerical error with a Catholic Wedding and the need notation is NOT made in the church (baptism) records how would it be fixed? 
33:08 – If Jesus died once and for all and rose from the dead, if there are other planets that support life created in His image and likeness, how did we get so lucky that it all happened on our planet? Or do we need to spread the good news to all the ends of the universe too? 
35:10 – What would have happened if just Eve had eaten the apple and not Adam or vice versa? 
38:54 – A woman gets married then transported back in time 400-ish years. Thinking she’ll never make it back to her own time, and because she needs to be married for protection, she gets married, despite the fact she was married in her original time. Is the new marriage valid? 
44:58 – Deja Vu. What is it? Why does it happen? 

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

03:44 – What was in the holy of holies during the time of Jesus? 
12:20 – Has the Church taught exactly what we can know about God based on human reason? 
17:00 – Does God break his promises? 
23:03 – What’s the best way to interact socially with clergy? 
28:46 – I think there’s a ghost in my home and wanted to get your thoughts. 
33:24 – In the Luminous Mysteries, it says that the wedding at Cana was where his disciples started believing in Jesus. Why didn’t they believe in him before? 
40:40 – Could you explain what glory is? 
47:10 – I’m confused by all the mentions of John in the bible. The Gospel, letters, and revelation and also those Johns mentioned in the bible. Are they all different people? 


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