Catholic Answers LIVECatholic Answers LIVE

Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America. 

As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns,  social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it! 

Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive. 

Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!


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Most Recent Episodes

Cy and Karlo welcome on contestants Amy and Jim to battle it out on the Catholic Answers Game Show 

Questions Covered:

04:31 – In light of Romans 3, how could anyone outside of the Church be justified?
10:04 – Based on Matthew 24. can the faithful really be inadvertently lost?
14:15 – As a new convert who had poor RCIA, how should I move forward if I still don’t accept some teachings like the Immaculate Conception?
20:08 – Jn 6:55-66. Have you encountered arguments against this verse from protestants?
28:22 – Some Catholics argue that NFP should rarely be used. Do things that can be mitigated by prudence like financial stability count as grave reasons in justifying the use of NFP?
32:33 – Why do animals have to suffer?
40:00 – How do I talk to an atheist friend who doesn’t believe in souls?
44:35 – Are wearing crystals because they ‘give off good energy’ be considered the occult?
48:38 – What is the scriptural basis for baptism by desire? Could Jesus do something similar for those who can’t receive the Eucharist?
51:41 – The CCC says we come to know Jesus through the Holy Spirit. But how can we say that if the bible says we come to know him through the breaking of the break and the real presence of the Eucharist?

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

01:05 – Is there any validity to the claim that the veil torn in the temple during the death of Christ was made by the Virgin Mary?
07:20 – My Orthodox friends consider ecumenism to be heresy. Why don’t we consider it so?
16:42 – Where can I find in the bible that the Catholic Church is the church that Jesus founded?
28:37 – Am I opening myself to the demonic world if I go to a haunted house?
34:06 – How does the Church explain death before the fall especially if Catholicism isn’t in tension with evolution?
42:08 – I’m not Catholic. My Catholic family always pushes Fatima. It doesn’t seem spectacular as they make it. Am I missing something?
50:53 – My religion teacher told us that Jesus wasn’t actually born on December 25th. Is this true?
53:18 – Why doesn’t the pope approve of Medjugorje?

Open Forum – Questions Covered:

04:22 – I’ve heard of numerous protestant eucharistic miracles. Is this a possibility? 
11:30 – How do I refute the claim that Rev 3:10 supports the rapture theory? 
19:58 – How do we know that the writings of St. Ignatius of Antioch are reliable? 
28:35 – Is there anyone I can work with to start getting Catholic content in audio format since I’m visually impaired? 
37:23 – Is it immoral to check the box to say that you’ve read the terms and service of an agreement? 
43:08 – You mentioned at the conference something about animals having souls. If they do, would it be wrong to euthanize my horse? 

Questions Covered:

Joe – 06:03 – You were a huge impact on me and my journey from Calvinism to Catholicism. So thank you and never stop! Since converting, I’ve noticed when “Protestants argue like Atheists”, but I’ve also recently come to notice when “Protestants argue like Agnostics”. This usually happens when I bring up something in Scripture that denominations disagree on. The result is something like “Well, we can’t know for sure, so it’s best not to take a stance on it”, or “That’s not a main issue so I’m not going to judge anyone else for taking that stance, what’s important is that they have faith in Jesus.” Have you come across this, and how do you suggest furthing a conversation once it reaches that point? 
16:28 – Trent, I hope you are doing well today! I had a question. I was going over your “Arguing Against Abortion” course at the School of Apologetics, and I was kind of confused about something and wanted to get some clarity! In Section VI. of the course: Answering Arguments from “Hard Cases”, when rape is mentioned here there is a part where the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services speaks of being able to “Defend herself against potential conception from the sexual assault.” Is this saying that a sort of “contraception” can be used to help prevent conception or the fertilization of the egg, and if so, is this an exception and not a rule? Also, Have you found it harder to defend the Catholic church’s view on contraception after arguing this point? 
23:08 – What is a good, well rounded “elevator speech” for why be Catholic vs other Christian denominations? I’ve been trying to convert my non denominational brother and sister in law and every time I give them biblical proof or historical proof of their position being different than the early Christian’s – they don’t seem to care. 
28:18 – Hello Trent, please strictly consider the text of Mark’s Gospel Chapter 9, verse 1. If Jesus really said the words attributed to him, does that mean Jesus’ second coming is a failed prophesy? In other words, that it’s safe to say the second coming is a prediction that never came true. Thank you! 
32:08 – Hello Trent! Do you have any advice for a beginner apologist? Any advice on how to bring people to Christ through the intellectual side of Christianity, and do so with gentleness and respect? I know you do this very well, so I thought it would be worth asking. Thank you for all you do. 
35:47 – How can we get a secular person to agree that using sex for something other than “babies and bonding” is a bad thing without appealing to religion? Most secular people I talk to about sexually disordered acts believe that using sex for something other than it’s natural purposes is morally irrelevant, and I’m not sure how to convince them otherwise without bringing in theology. 
40:57 – Are nuclear weapons inherently evil? Do we as Catholics have a moral obligation to avoid working with or in companies that produce or manufacture nuclear weapons, or nuclear weapon support systems? Would you consider the proliferation of nuclear weapons a pro life topic like abortion? 
45:47 – In a psychology course, we had an online discussion board assignment where we were given this dilemma: A man’s wife is terminally ill, but there is one drug that will cure her. However, this drug is extremely expensive and they can’t afford it. Would it be morally wrong for the man to steal the drug? How would you apply Catholic moral teaching to this situation? Personally, I would not want to risk the state of my soul by doing something even potentially wrong – stealing the drug – to cure a loved one. I was surprised that almost all the students said that it would NOT be wro…


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