Audio Highlights

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With the presidential election around the corner, Bishop Barron and Brandon Vogt consider principles that should inform our voting decisions. They also discuss a recent Pew Research Center report titled “8 facts about Catholics and politics in the U.S” and explore the voting guidance provided by the U.S. bishops through their document, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.

A listener asks, what can a person of faith do that an atheist can’t do?

The Rutten brothers talk about strength, good motivations, evil, and free will in this months episode of Rutten Radio!

Join Sharon as she explores the Gospel of John!

Many people are overwhelmed by anxiety. Anxiety over all the things that need to get done and over all that they have been through. But God calls us to have no anxiety at all. And to surrender our past, present, and future to His dominion.

Listen to this sample lesson from Dr. Anthony Pagliarini’s course for the Word on Fire Institute titled “How Nones Can Misread the Bible.” To access the other six lessons in this course, join the Word on Fire Institute today. You’ll also receive a copy of Bishop Barron’s new book, the latest issue of the Evangelization & Culture Journal, and immediate access to all of Bishop Barron’s films and study programs!

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