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Join Sharon while she explores the Gospel of Luke!

Join Sharon while she continues through the Gospel of Luke!

Join Sharon while she explores the Gospel of Luke!

We all have the temptation to pretend to be someone or something other than we are. To pass ourselves off as someone else…to be an imposter. We do this most often when we know the truth but live in fear of the truth. John the Baptist shows us what it looks like to know the truth and live in the freedom of the truth.

Today, we share the second half of Bishop Barron’s recent discussion with Dave Rubin on the topic “Has Liberalism Failed?” It’s part of the “Bishop Barron Presents” series of conversations with various thinkers and cultural influencers.

In this discussion, Bishop Barron and Dave uncover the underlying issues fueling today’s partisan politics and the culture of contempt. Further, they discuss how to engage in constructive dialogue for the sake of the common good.

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