Audio Highlights
Recordings from special events, guest speakers, live drives, and more!
Most Recent Episodes
Following Jesus is not merely a matter of behaving or “being good”. It ultimately rests on whether or not we will allow the Father to get close enough to carry us. But too many people find themselves divided, afraid, and bound by their sins, their fears, and their weakness. With a word, Christ can set us free. We can be free to be held rather than bound by what enslaves us.
Today, we use Google’s autocomplete feature to have Bishop Barron respond to some of the top questions people search for beginning with the phrase “Does God…”. Does God love everyone? Does God change his mind? Does God have a name? Listen and find out! A listener asks what evidence we have for the existence of Jesus.
During the first part of this month's episode, the Rutten brothers reflected on their movie of the month: Braveheart. In the second part of the hour, they talked about how we can live daily in the presence of Christ.
In this lesson, Dr. Jan George, a retired university teacher of literature with a Master of Theology from the University of Dallas and founder of Sacred Heart Productions, discusses: It is Jesus Who Speaks the Word We Hear; With Love God Calls All Sinners; In the Presence of the Lord We Do Not Fast; Our Response to the Law of Christ Reveals Our Hearts; Christ Founds His Church on the Apostles; and Our Relationship with God Takes Precedence Over All. To find a study guide for each part of the program and to learn more visit:
Question: How does a sinful people live in the presence of an all-holy God? Answer: By allowing Him to make us holy and by living on purpose.