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As we transition from John 6 to John 7, Sharon teaches us about the significance of bread throughout the story of salvation history. The theme of bread is intertwined with the theme of tabernacles. After the Israelites finally arrive in the Promised Land, they built a substantial, yet still
temporary tabernacle at Shiloh. 400 years later, the Lord admonishes David about the lack of a permanent tabernacle, but forbade David from actually building it, leaving it to his son Solomon to complete the task.

We live in an insecure world, but God’s mercy is stable.

Jesus has naturally been a key person of interest for Western thought, but over the last few hundred years, there have been some major shifts in what scholars describe as the “quest for the historical Jesus.”

Bishop Barron provides an overview of these developments and the problematic attempt to separate the “Jesus of history” from the “Christ of Faith.”

Dr. Chris talks with Deacon James Keating about how to find Easter joy in the midst of the COVID19 pandemic and everything that's happening because of it.

In the first part of this month's episode, the Rutten brothers reflected on sin and the need for forgiveness. During the second half hour, they talked about COVID-19 and how we can still encounter Jesus and be filled with hope.

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